Friday, July 25, 2014

The Food Volunteers

Every day in San Francisco, thousands of people are touched by the generosity of the programs at Project Open Hand, the Saturday neighborhood food program at All Saints' Episcopal Church, Glide Memorial, Saint Anthony's, The Bethel Food Pantry on Fridays, and so many more.  The need is great in San Francisco, just as it is in so many places, and yet many come forward and donate their time and money.
Volunteering at a food program isn't just something for Thanksgiving, Christmas, or Easter.  Often those occasions have more than enough coverage because there is extra publicity.  What about the other 362 days of the year though?  Many programs have a wide range of volunteer opportunities for all levels of ability.  Even the frail and elderly can find volunteering to be a great way to give back to others.
There are numerous food banks and meal programs here in the Bay Area - many more than the ones I just mentioned.  Consider regularly donating some of your time to any of there.  The food volunteers do some really incredible work and make a huge impact in the lives of many.  You could be one of them.

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