Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter Joy

These beautiful flowers, are in a church garden where I have spent a lot of time this past week. My personal tradition is to observe Holy Week (this past week, leading up to Saturday) and Easter, by participating in various observances at my church. Yesterday was a very busy day for me, as the past several days have been, but it was also a day of joy.

I'm not sure if you have noticed, but more and more people are celebrating Easter in some way of other. Yesterday was probably one of the biggest brunch days of the year. Families got together to do things. Oh yes, and there is all that candy! Is there an increase in church attendance? Actually, yes. It's traditionally this largest church attendance day of the year. Whether or not you are a Christian though, and whether or not you go to church, yesterday might have been a joyful day for you. As I have said many times, it really is up to you. Smile. Smell the flowers. Do something special for yourself, and for others. Let the joy be there for you all week long!

Do you have any unusual Easter observances? How about some special ways of spreading joy? Use the comments section below to share some ideas with us. Have a joyful week!

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