Friday, May 29, 2015

Some late May updates

Earlier this month I wrote here about several things you could get involved in, and since some ask how things turn out, I wanted to give you a few updates this morning. Let me first go back to last month and tell you about a lady many rallied for and then a few more recent events. If you ever wonder what comes next, please feel free to add comments below, and I'll come up with some answers.

Back in April, I wrote about Joan, an active San Francisco volunteer who was about to become homeless. Well her problem is permanently solved, but things are much better. The original post is HERE. In 28 days, $4,396 has been raised in a GoFundMe campaign for Joan. Some folks took her cat in and she has been "couch surfing" (going from one home to another for a few nights at a time) thanks to members of her church. Hopefully the money will help her find something lasting, but of course she is in one of the most expensive cities in the world! Donations (any amount helps) can still be made HERE.

On May 13th, I introduced you to Mike Nguyen, an incredible guy who is soon to leave for a couple years in the Peace Corps.  He's going to be doing incredible work there and could use a bit of help for some supplies and emergencies.  It's been almost two weeks and only a tiny bit of money has been raised ($530).  The work he will be doing in Zambia is important.  Click HERE if you can help.  His blog (HERE) will give you future updates.

I recently wrote here about AIDS Walk (HERE is that original post) and I am thrilled that several donors have come forward it the past few days.  This is an important cause too, and I would be honored to have your support.  Go to to donate.

My blog post from May 19th got more attention than anything I have ever written here, except for when I posted about my mother's death. It was titled What Jesus said about homosexuality and in the space where my message usually appears, there was nothing at all. I had several rude comments (which I didn't allow to be posted) saying I was against Jesus, or that I was stupid. Some folks didn't get it at all. Jesus never preached about homosexuality, at least not according to the Bible, and that was my point.
Thanks for reading these messages.  Now, I think we are all updated!

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